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Product Microbiome Stool Test with BiomeFX

Please do not pay for this test without having first arranged it with me.  We'll need to arrange consults (as a package or individually) to go over your test results and recommendations, as well as to gather more health information so I can get the Big Picture of your situation.

This payment is automatic approval for me to proceed with ordering your BiomeFX gut microbiome stool test from Microbiome Labs. MBL will then mail the test kit to your home, so I'll need your mailing address for that. This payment is ONLY to cover my cost of ordering your test.

I highly recommend this test above other microbiome test options for it's more advanced technology and accuracy (with whole genome sequencing), as well as for MBL's effective gut healing approaches and products in addressing any imbalances discovered with the test.

There is an additional fee for the consults with me to go over your results and to support you with implementing recommendations, either as a part of a package or as single sessions (minimum of two sessions).

In addition to recommended foods and habits that emerge with this stool test information, there will also very likely be multiple recommended supplements (from Microbiome Labs and otherwise) to get your gut and system back on the right track. Typically the investment in the recommended probiotics and additional supplements will be $150-$300 per month (or can more) for the initial months during gut healing. As your gut recovers and the microbiome becomes more balanced, the maintenance doses usually lower significantly.

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375.00 USD